Educational Psychology

The Psychopedagogical Department plays a significant role in the comprehensive development of our students. Our team of psychologists is trained and committed to providing specialised support in the teaching-learning process, with students and teachers being the primary target audience. We offer the following services:

  • Psychological Support: Psychological counseling, individual interviews with students, ongoing communication with families, teachers, and external specialists.
  • Parental Guidance: Listening spaces and counselling for families to support cognitive and emotional development of students.
  • Vocational Guidance: National and international vocational fairs, access to the Unifrog platform, psychological assessment for career guidance and choice.
  • Psychoeducational Talks for Student Well-being: Informational meetings to promote mental health, creating spaces for dialogue and reflection.
  • Psychological Campaigns (awareness, promotion, prevention, or intervention): Organised based on identified needs within our educational community, involving phases of awareness, attitude, and practices.
  • Psychopedagogical Assessments: Application of standardised psychopedagogical tests and behavioural observations in the classroom.

Multidisciplinary teamwork is crucial for achieving the holistic development of each student. Accordingly, students are comprehensively supported based on their individual needs and resources, ensuring specialised collaborative assistance.